Is Windsor the Right Place for You? A Look at the Pros and Cons

Windsor – no, not the town where the Queen of England often resides – is a city located in southern Ontario in Canada. It’s one of many cities located in Canada, and it just might be the city you choose to live in.

It’s a heavy decision choosing where you want to live next. What better way to weigh that decision than by listing the pros and cons? Here’s everything you need to know about Windsor and what it’s like living in this city.

The History of Windsor

Windsor downtown at dusk

This city was first known as “the Ferry” before it was renamed Windsor in 1836. The first settlers were French farmers who came during the year 1701.

This city also became a popular railway terminal and port because it was located on a waterway. Because of the location and how it positively affected the industrial sector, the city became a booming one.

The Overall Feel Of Windsor

Living in Windsor pros and cons

Windsor has one of the most affordable neighborhoods in Canada, and the neighborhoods are also quiet. However, because Detroit is- a major and bustling city across the river, Windsor is subject to different types of pollution that a big city usually has.

Windsor is also a car city however, it’s small enough that you can walk around easily and get to your destinations quickly. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any ways to commute, and buses and subways are open to the public. The city is also home to vibrant cultures and delicious food.

What You Need To Know About Windsor

Now that you have an overall feel of the city, we can go in-depth and discuss different aspects individually.

1. Unemployment Rate

Let’s begin with the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in Canada was around 5.8% in December 2022.

The unemployment rate in Windsor was 8.2% as of December 2022. Compared to the previous month, however, the unemployment rate decreased by 0.4%, which is a sign that the job market is improving. Still, this statistic remains on the higher side among major cities in Canada.

The job market in Windsor has shown that there is a high demand for retail workers including managers and sales personnel. Although Windsor is not known for its vast job market, it is growing.

2. Crime Rate

The level of crime in Windsor can be described as moderate. One of the most common crimes in Windsor is property crime, including theft, vehicle theft, and breaking and entering.

Unlike most other places, most crimes that occur in Windsor happen in the morning rather than at night. Nonetheless, crime rates have decreased since 2020.

For instance, the total number of property crimes committed in 2019 was 12,641 however, this number decreased to 10,480 in 2020. Windsor is also relatively safer compared to big cities such as Toronto.

3. Education

Windsor has many schools you can choose from. Although there is still room to improve, the educational system is decent. The affluence of the area the school resides in does not affect its teachers and how well they teach.

It does, however, affect the environment. Some schools in certain neighborhoods have a strong drug presence. On the other hand, some schools found in what residents call the “poor” areas can be some of the best schools in the city.

It all depends on the school you’re eyeing. Schools are also funded reasonably well, but the only problem is that some schools don’t offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities for your child to participate in. If you don’t know where to start, check out some of the South Windsor schools as they often rank top.

4. Housing Cost

While homes in cities such as Kitchener-Waterloo cost an average of $736,024, homes in Windsor cost an average of $606,300. Although the Windsor-Essex County Association of Realtors reported that the average increased by a lot since the past year, it is still generally cheaper than most cities in Canada. Sometimes, prices even go down to $200,000. An average condo costs about $198,000.

5. Healthcare

Healthcare in Windsor is slowly improving. It’s not at its best at the moment but, Ontario is slowly improving it as it has built a new state-of-the-art regional hospital so citizens living in these cities may have easier and faster access to quality health care.

Windsor Regional Hospital is one of Ontario’s largest hospitals serving over 400,000 people. As for insurance, Ontario offers the Ontario Health Insurance Plan which gives residents access to free emergency and preventative medical care.

To avail of this health insurance plan, you’ll need to apply and get a health card. Visit Ontario’s official website for more information.

Let’s Summarize These Stats

Unemployment RateCrime RateEducationHousing CostsHealthcare
Around 8.3%Moderate crime rateDecent educational systemAverage cost of homes is $606,300Home to one of Ontario’s largest hospitals – Windsor Regional Hospital
The statistic remains on the higher sideProperty crimes such as theft and breaking and entering are the more prominent crimes committedThe affluence of areas affect the environment (i.e. strong drug presence) but, not the quality of teaching.An average condo costs about $198,000Ontario offers the Ontario Health Insurance Plan offering free emergency and preventative medical care
High demand for retail workersThe total number of property crimes committed in 2019 was around 12,641 while in 2020, this number decreased to 10,480South Windsor schools are a great place to start if you’re overwhelmed by the choices.  

Pros And Cons Of Living in Windsor

Detroit river Windsor
Detroit River Windsor

Listing down the pros and cons of a decision can help you choose which option you think better suits you.


1. Small City Living

Windsor offers a lot of the opportunities usually found in a city without the usual hustle and bustle. It is home to many affordable neighborhoods, offers many job opportunities as an up-and-coming city, and has great healthcare and educational system. However, it is not known as a city with such nightlife, and It’s quiet.

2. Affordable Homes Compared To Other Cities

Its most appealing trait is how affordable the homes are. Many move to this city because of affordable housing.

Moreover, living costs are inexpensive if you have a stable job, and it’s roughly $899 per month without rent.


If you consider the pros, you must also consider the cons of a decision.

1. Scarce Amount Of Nature

Windsor isn’t known as an outdoor city, and it isn’t known as a city with bountiful trees, parks, and hiking trails.

That doesn’t mean nature is non-existent. There are great hiking trails and parks but, there’s not a large amount of them.

– Pollution

Windsor is a victim of pollution. The air isn’t as fresh as in other cities because it is right across the river from a large industrial city, Detroit.

There is also the presence of noise pollution and water pollution, which can be fixed by living a more sustainable lifestyle.

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The Final Verdict

Windsor has a population of around 233,763 people based on 2017 data. It is a great choice if you’re looking for something more affordable. Housing in this city is great and many choose it because of that.

The cost of living is not as expensive as in big cities. As a comparison, for immigrants, Windsor is 33.72% cheaper to live in than New York. A person’s average monthly expenses are around $899 (the current inflation was not factored in). Moreover, Windsor is relatively safe compared to many big cities such as Toronto.

The unemployment rate, albeit a bit high, isn’t as bad as Montreal’s or one of the bigger cities. The job market might not be as vast but, it is slowly growing and improving. You might want to consider this city for those looking to raise families in a more affordable scenery.

Education is great and healthcare is accessible. It might not be one of the more well-known cities in Canada but, it is home to many people. The question is, will it be the home for you?

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