What is Heavy Cream in Canada?

Heavy cream is a key ingredient in many dishes. It’s included in ice cream, soup, sauce, and so much more. Some might even consider heavy cream the backbone of a dish. The thing is, it can be hard choosing heavy creams in Canada. Not to worry. Here’s everything you need to know about heavy cream and how and where you can buy it in Canada.

What is heavy cream?

Heavy cream is milk fat from fresh milk that hasn’t been homogenized. Heavy cream has about 36 to 40% of fat.

Canadian Equivalent of Heavy Cream

The Canadian equivalent of heavy cream is whipping cream. Whipping cream is the closest equivalent to heavy cream in Canada as the fat content is similar to that of heavy creams.

What is a heavy cream substitute?

There are tons of heavy cream substitutes. First, you can substitute butter and milk for heavy cream. Melt ¼ cup of butter and whish 4/3 cup of milk in slowly to make 1 cup of heavy cream. You can also substitute whole milk for heavy cream however, the first option would be better.

What can you use heavy cream for?

Heavy cream is used in a ton of recipes. These recipes are usually dessert dishes however, there are some ways you can use heavy cream for soup and the like.

Heavy cream is used for the classic and elegant strawberry shortcake, hot chocolate pudding, a sausage and mushroom sauce for linguine pasta, and another pasta with vodka sauce.

Heavy Cream vs. Whipping Cream

Heavy cream and whipping cream often get confused with each other. They look the same and they’re made of homogenized blends of milk and milk fat. So, how do we differentiate them?

The main difference between heavy cream and whipping cream is the fat content. Heavy cream has a higher fat content than whipping cream. Canada, however, does not have heavy cream. Instead, they sell whipping cream – a close equivalent.

Best Whipping Cream Brands in Canada

1. Reid’s Dairy

Reid’s Dairy is located in Ontario. This is a great dairy responsible for some of the creamiest whipping creams and is also responsible for the manufacturing of delicious milk, buttermilk, eggnog, chocolate milk, ice cream, and the like.

If you’re looking for good whipping cream, buying from Reid’s Dairy is a good way to achieve that.

2. Hewitt’s Whipping Cream

Hewitt’s whipping cream contains 35% milk fat. It’s rich and creamy and sweet. It contains everything you’d want in a delicious whipping cream that’ll make your dish the most delicious thing you and your guests have ever tasted.

It is also made with 100% Canadian milk. There are tons of dishes you can make using this whipping cream including risotto and sauces for pasta. It makes your stomach grumble just thinking about it.

3. 3 pack Trader Joe’s Shelf Stable Tetra Grade A Whipping Cream

Another great brand of whipping cream you can try is Trader Joe’s Whipping Cream. This is an affordable option many people love to take advantage of.

If you’re looking for affordable heavy cream or because we’re thinking in the context of Canada, whipping cream, this is a top choice.

Best Places to Buy Whipping Cream in Canada

One of the best places to buy whipping cream in Canada is Walmart. There are tons of Walmart branches around Canada from Toronto to Nova Scotia. Walmart is a grocery store selling great whipping cream such as Trader Joe’s whipped cream – the one mentioned in the list above. Another great place would be the websites of the whipping cream brands mentioned above.

The Takeaway

Having trouble trying to find a good brand of heavy cream or a good place to buy heavy cream? We’ve got you.

Seeing an enormous variety of creams sitting on top of the shelves in grocery stores can be overwhelming, to say the least. How do you know which one is heavy cream? What makes heavy cream different from all the rest of the creams?

What are the best heavy cream brands? This guide should help you find great ones and answer every heavy cream-related question you might have. Enjoy creating delicious dishes alongside equally tasty whipping creams that add to the delectability of the food you’re making.

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